
你的位置:首頁 >產(chǎn)品展示 > 品牌產(chǎn)品 > Roche試劑 > 11093657910DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit,Roche現(xiàn)貨

DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit,Roche現(xiàn)貨

系列:Dig,系列備注:Labeling and detection kits for southern blots,品名:DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots,Cat. *1093657910,規(guī)格:1 kit
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[ DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots ] 訂貨:




[ DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots ] 產(chǎn)品信息:




系列備注:Labeling and detection kits for southern blots


品名:DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots


Cat. 1093657910


規(guī)格:1 kit (25 labeling reactions and detection of 50 blots)


[ DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots ] 詳細信息


Labeling and detection kits for southern blots DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots 11093657910 1 kit (25 labeling reactions and detection of 50 blots) 
  DIG-High Prime DNA Labeling and Detection Starter Kit I ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots 11745832910 1 kit (12 labeling reactions and detection of 24 blots) 
  DIG-High Prime DNA Labeling and Detection Starter Kit II ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots 11585614910 1 kit (12 labeling reactions and detection of 24 blots) 

[ DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots ] 品牌介紹





[ DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots ] 相關(guān)產(chǎn)品


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[ DIG DNA Labeling and Detection Kit ,Labeling and detection kits for northern blots ] 僅用于科研??!



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